USS Spangler DE-696
- Webpage News -

- Select (click) a date to visit the page referenced as a news item. -

6/29/2023-A remembrance page was added for Merlin Car who passed away on June 27th.

2/16/2013-Fran Quigley emailed this morning letting us know that her father, Walter Viscum, passed away on July 7, 2013 at his home in Joliet, Illinois.  Fran says he was a plank owner on the USS Spangler serving from 1943 until his discharge in January, 1946, and believes he was either the last or one of the last two WW2 Spangler mates from Illinois.  She added that after the war he returned to Joliet where he married and had five children, eleven grandchildren, and sixteen great-grandchildren. Walter is listed on the original crew list (10/31/1943) as a Seaman 2nd Class.  Thank you Fran for letting us know.

5/10/2013 - Uploaded a 1948 crew (muster) list.  This replaces the photo copy of the list published on the website.

5/4/2013-A new addition has been added to the website -- "Slideshows" of photographs from the photo albums and memoirs sections on the website, comprising over 800 photographs in all.  Given the sizable number of photographs available for viewing, the photos are displayed in separate slideshows, grouped by years 1943-1945, 1946-1948, 1949-1952, 1953-1955, 1956-1958, including the ship's 1957 Cruise to WESPAC.   The slideshows are accessible from the Spangler's Menu page by selecting one of the year intervals.  Please note that your mouse cursor (pointer) must be removed from the viewing screen for a slideshow to begin.  Returning your cursor to the screen pauses the slideshow until the cursor is removed. Many of the photographs have title bars at the bottom of the photographs, so your viewing screen may need to be adjusted slightly if the title bars are not visible.   Enjoy!

2/16/2013-Joan Styers sent us an email yesterday letting us know the sad news that Polly Baier passed away recently.   Polly and James (Jim) Bair, along with their very close friend, Joan, was with us at our Branson reunion in 2008.   Jim passed away in January 2010.   He served aboard the Spangler from 1955 through 1957, initally in the Quartermaster Gang and later in Gunnery Division.   Joan says that Polly and Jim's ashes will be interned at the veterans cemetary in Fayetteville   Thank you, Joan, for letting us know.

10/24/2012 - A photo album from Ken Nolan is now available for viewing on the website.   Thanks Ken!

10/7/2012 - A report with photos from the Grand Junction, CO Reunion on Oct. 1-3, 2012 is uploaded to the website.

8/14/2012 - A Remembrance page was uploaded this afternoon in memory of Bob Hunt.  Click here to view the page.   Appreciation for much of the information in the writeup is extended to Lasting Memories published by Palo Alto Online.  Bob has been instrumental in the success of our use of silent auctions to raise money for reunion planning and preparation needs.   His guidance and oversight of the process along with his broad smile and winning personality will be missed by all.

7/26/2012- Jeannie Kessler's photographs from the San Diego Reunion are uploaded to the website.   Thanks Jeannie!  We hope to see you in Grand Junction.

7/17/2012- We received an email from Bob Ellis this afternoon letting us know our Spanglermate Bob Hunter died on July 14, 2012 after a long and struggling illnes.   Bob and Malene Hunter have been a big part of the Spangler reunions over the years.   Bob originated the idea of the Silent Auctions and it's been his enthusiasm and vocal support that have instrumental in helping it become an annual success.   He will be especially missed by his shipmates who served with him aboard the Spangler from 1952 to 1954, but also by all of the Spanglermate family as well.

7/4/2012- The Spangler's Crew List has been expanded to include a list of all (or at least most) enlisted men and officers assigned to or transferred from the ship (as identified in the deck logs) during the World War II interval from October 31, 1943 to Dec. 31, 1945 -- a total of about 490 names.  

6/24/2102 - "The Western Pacific Cruise of USS LERAY WILSON (DE-414) 1957" -- Excellent reading for those that made the 1957 WESPAC Cruise.

6/23/2012 - Finally! A report on the San Diego Reunion is uploaded to the website.   If any one has something to add to it please let me know.

6/16/2012 - Added a new photo album to the Spangler's Photo Gallery:  "John Preksta's Snapshots (RD2 1943 - 1944)".   The photos are provided courtesy of Timothy Stein in memory of his grandfather.   Thanks Tim!

3/15/2012 - Added a new webpage to the Spangler website: "How The USS Spangler Got It's Name." It's the presentation Merlin Carr gave at this years reunion in San Diego.   It's a facinating story!   Thanks Merlin for a wonderful addition to the website.!

1/24/12- Hi, Folks! The Spangler Website is fully uploaded to it's new internet service host provider and available for viewing again.  If, for some reason, you open a page and it doesn't look right -- maybe an image missing or something like that -- you might want to refresh your internet browser.  In Firefox, that's done by clicking on the circular arrow next to entry box at the top of the page.  In Internet Explorer, it's the two blue arrows chasing each other.  Again, I need to thank "Andy" Anderson for alerting me that the sight was down in the first place and Bob Ellis for emailing out the new website address to everyone. -- The "really" important news was discovering that Bob is doing much better following his stoke a couple of months back and is back at his computer again!  Just can't keep a good guy down!  Thank goodness!

10/20/2011 - Uploaded a nice collection of photographs from the 2011 Reunion in San Diego this past August. They were taken by Phyllis & Tom Clugston.   Click here or on the date above to view.  Thanks Tom & Phyllis!

9/22/2011 - Uploaded a Remembrance Page in memory of Curtis E. Johnson MM3 (1949-1952).  Curtis passed away on November 7, 2010 in Sutherlin, Oregon and is buried in Kellog Cemetary in Sutherlin.   He was 79.   Curtis, as you may recall, published a photo album on the Spangler website of snapshots from his days aboard ship. You can view it by clicking here .  The remembrance writeup was submitted by his wife Arlene.  Thank you Arlene!

4/17/2011 -Andy (Dave) Aderson phoned this evening to let us know that he had tried contacting Keith Hudson this afternoon, but learned from Kieth's wife that Keith passed away from cancer on March 22, 2009.   Keith, as many of you may remember, besides being a fun loving shipmate, was one of our cooks, a CS3.  Thanks Andy for passing on the information!!

05/21/10 - Me bad! - I haven't browsed through the ChatLocker in several months (sad to report) and when I did this afternoon, I discovered a wonderful note George Lavra had written on "Remembering Phil Eng."  Thanks George!   Phil would have appreciated that! I passed on the link to Del.

05/11/10 - It's amazing what one can find if you scrounge around long enough, digging through old photo albums, shoe boxes and the what not.   I knew I had a "few" photos from my navy days, but not that many, or so I thought.  I ended up with a whole album, covering my days from boot camp, my three years aboard the Spangler and my year aboard the USS Prairie.   The biggest surprise, though, came in finding an old photo envelope containing a batch of negatives from the time Joe Mitchell and I took some snapshots of each other on the Spangler's bridge area.  It was dated May 1956.  What happened to the original photos is anyone's guess. None were found.   Thankfully the negatives could be scanned into photos and they came out pretty good.  Anyway, it all just goes to show, you might come across some nice surprises if you go digging through some of those old photo albums and boxes stuck away some place. -- Wayne Dorough

03/31/10 - Joe Gansemer, a QM2 aboard the USS Galbido LSD-16 from 1954 through 1957 sent the website some pictures taken when his ship and the Spangler collided during a highline transfer of mail somewhere in the Pacific Ocean in 1955/1956.  Super photos!  They are published in the Spangler's Photo Album section under Joe's name.  Thanks Joe!

04/11/10 -Thanks to Joe Gansemer we now have a large, excellent collection of photos taken in Yokosuka, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Baypue and Iwo Jima back in the mid 1950's, including some at sea aboard the USS Cabildo LSD-16 and some back in the states.  These are in addition to the one's he sent earlier of the day the Spangler and Cabildo bumpted together.  Thanks Joe for responding to my request and permitting me to post them on the Spangler website!!

03/31/10 - Joe Gansemer, a QM2 aboard the USS Galbido LSD-16 from 1954 through 1957 sent the website some pictures taken when his ship and the Spangler collided during a highline transfer of mail somewhere in the Pacific Ocean in 1955/1956.  Super photos!  They are published in the Spangler's Photo Album section under Joe's name.  Thanks Joe!

2/12/10 - "Reunions" on the Spangler's main menu page, up until today, linked to a list of reunion writeups on the SiteMap.  That's been revised.  The selection for Reunions now links to a "graphical menu page" displaying thumbnail images (selection icons) for each reunion event.   Hopefully this provides a clearer perspective, making it easier to move back and forth between writeups.  But more important, it also includes thumbnail images for three useful pieces of information (especially for someone who hasn't attended a reunion yrt, but is thinking of doing so).  These include: "Why A Reunion,"   "What Are They Lke," and   "What Are Silent Auctions."   Reunion photos can also be linked to from this page or from a slide out menu item on the Spangler's main page.

1/17/10- Joan Styers phoned this afternoon to let us know that James Baier passed away this past Tuesday.  He and Polly and their close friend Joan were with us at the Branson Reunion last year.   Jim served aboard the Spangler from 1955 through 1957, initally in the Quartermaster Gang and later in Gunnery Division.  As a personal friend and close shipmate, Jim will be sorely missed!

12/13/10 - Posted contents of an email to the Spangler Miscellaneous Section from Carl Jewett (LCDR Retired) regarding the "Mesothelioma Center (; an organization devoted to assisting veterans through their application processes for VA benefits."

11/28/09- Andy Anderson phoned this afternoon to let us know that Clarence Bohlen passed away on November 20th.   Clarence as many of you may recall was a Shiphandler 1st Class that reported aboard the Spangler in 1955 oversaw the ship's laundry facilities.   Great guy!  Click here to see a photo of Clarence taking care of us guys back in those good old days!  Thanks Andy for letting us know!

11/24/09 - Uploaded a Remembrance page in memory of LTJG Edward P. Tamassia (1947-1950).  Thanks Cary for making this possibe!

11/24/09 - Uploaded an album of photos in memory of LTJG Edward P. Tamassia, Engineering Officer (1947-1950) submitted by his grandson Cary LoGrande.  Thanks Cary for making these available!

11/08/09 - Posted the presentation on "Why A Reunion?" that Bob Ellis gave us during the banquet at the Annapolis/Baltimore reunion. Good writeup!  Thanks Bob!

10/16/09 - Snapshots of the 1958 Deck Plans are uploaded to the website.  These are photographs of "parts" of the Book of General Plans updated at Mare Island Naval Station on 1/16/1958, and thus the final deck configurations prior to decommissioning in October 1958.

10/13/09 - An obituary for Phil En is published in the Crossville Chronicle News and can be viewed by clicking here.

10/12/09 - Marlene & Bob Hunter's photos from the reunion are available on Shutterfly. Click here.   Enjoy! Thanks Marlene!

10/08/09 - Sad to report, I received an email a few moments ago from Del Eng letting me know that Phil passed away this morning!  More to be posted as soon as information becomes available.

10/08/09 - Uploaded an album of photos received from Mrs. Ronald H. Lee, by way of Dave Norris.  They were reproduced from slides taken in Hawaii by her husband in the early '50.  Excellent color photos, considering the years!  Names will be added for individuals in the photos as opportunies permit.  Thanks Mrs. Lee for making these available and Dave for passing them on!

10/06/09 - Video clips from the Baltimore/Annapolis Reunion were uploaded to YouTube and available for viewing by clicking here.  Unfortunately, some taken at the breakfast and banquet gatherings were overwritten and lost. And some of the breakfast gathering were taken with a digital camera with the sound turned off, so a little lacking in quality. Otherwise the videos are not too bad.

10/04/09 - Received an email from Del Eng the other night letting me know that Phil is in the hospital with a very bad case of pneumonia.  Del took him in for a checkup on Tuesday and they transferred him to the hospital in Cookvile as they thought he had a heart attack.   It turns out he is very sick with pneumonia and is presently on a ventilator full time.  Please keep Del and Phil in your thoughts and prayers.

10/04/09 - Posted a Remembrance Page for Johnnie Paul.   Thanks Connie, Barb and Adriene for all your help!

10/02/09 - Hey folks!  Millie & Bob Ellis have just uploaded their reunion photos to the internet.  They're on Shutterfly and not available here on the web yet, but you can get to them quickly by clicking here.   Enjoy! Thanks Millie and Bob!

09/27/09 - Photos from the Baltimore/Annapolis Reunion can be viewed here.  Individuals in the photos will be identified as time permits.

09/27/09 - Evelyn and Joe Kerwin's photos from the Baltimore/Annapolis Reunion can be viewed here.  Thanks Evelyn!

09/26/09 - A report on our recent reunion in Baltimore is now available on the website.  Photo slideshows from the reunion and visits to Annapolis will be posted soon.

09/24/09 - The Dayton Daily News includes a guestbook in the obiturary section to enables visitors to expressing condolences or share memories with the family if you desire. Click here to visit the guest book.  Thanks Connie for sharing this information with us.

09/23/09 - An email from Connie Martin (Johnnie's daughter)sent word this morning that visitation will be this Friday evening, from 6-8, and the funeral on Saturday at 10:30.  It will be at McColaugh Funeral Home in Xenia, OH. Click here to view the obituary.  Thanks Connie!.

09/20/09 - Johnnie Paul passed away this evening at 4:53. This is a big loss of all of us that knew and worked with him and recall his wonderful smile!  I know I can speak for the family in expressing their appreciation for your prayers and concerns. -- Wayne

08/14/09 - Guy Thompson recently came across a web site displaying the obituary for William J. Couch, a Plank Owner aboard the USS Spangler (1943 - 1946).  William passed away on July 16, 2009.  Please click here to view the obituary.  Thanks Guy!

  08/13/09 - San Antonio Bound!  Reunion planned next year for Oct. 16-18, 2010 at Holiday  Inn Riverwalk, San Antonio, Texas  The Google map displayed on the page (depending on the  internet browser being used) can be zoomed in and out, moved around with your cursor (while  holding the cursor down) and switched from street map to satelite view, or a combination of both (hybrid mode).  Thanks Dave for the reunion info!


08/09/09 - Baltimore/Anapolis Bound!  Updated reunion information on our upcoming Baltimore/Anapolis get together (Sept. 14-16, 2009.  Thanks Dave!

07/13/09 - In reviewing the Spangler websites error logs this afternoon it came to my attention that quite a few photos were missing from the 1946-1949 General Photos.  That's now corrected!

06/20/09 - Added three recent photos to the Johnnie Paul Photo Album.   Check out Johnnie in his Spangler cap. Thanks Connie!!

06/20/09 - Corrected a coding error in the Johnnie Paul Photo Album.  Thanks Adrienne, Barbara and Connie for bringing the error to my attention!!

06/18/09 - Added a link to NavyTV to the main menu.  NavyTV is a facinating web site, well worth a visit.

05/12/09 - Uploaded 2nd half of Johnnie Paul's photo album from the 1952-1955 years.  These were uploaded several days ago, but just now being reported.  Thanks again Johnnie and Adrienne for making them available!

04/06/09 - Prayer request added for Johnnie Paul who's suffering from lung cancer.

04/04/09 - Uploaded Johnnie Paul's photo album from the 1952-1955 years.  Thanks Johnnie and thanks Adrienne for scanning and mailing in the photos!

04/01/09 - Corrected the Photo Gallery's list of Albums to include Tom Clugston's. His album was actually uploaded October 3rd.  Sorry about that oversight Tom!

03/25/09 - Added a prayer request page to the website. This one displays a prayer request for Polly and James Baier, from information sent in from their close friend, Joan Steyers. Additional pages can be added when requested.

02/26/09 - Uploaded a Remembrance Page in memory of Ralph D. Wilkinson, a Plank Owner aboard the Spangler from 1943 to 1945. Photos and information were submitted by his grandson, Stephen Clark, a Navy Chief with the 14th Seabee Battalion At NAS Jacksonville.  Thanks Steve.

02/26/09 - Uploaded an extensive photo album from the 1943-1945 years submitted in memory of Ralph D. Wilkinson by his grandson, Stephen Clark.  Thanks Steve.

02/04/09 - Sort of quite lately.  A few email exchanges are added to the ChatLocker and you might want to give those a browse.   Love to have you join in!

02/04/09 - Check out the US Navy Drill Team.  Their facinating!

12/19/08 - Thanks to James & Polly Baier, I just finished uploading photos their guest, Joan Steyers, took at our reunion in Branson. Thanks, James, Polly & Joan!

12/09/08 - Uploaded a photo album in memory of Eugene Robert Fribis (1943-1945).  The photos were made available by his wife and submitted to the website by his daughter, Susan Albers.  Eugene passed away on September 30, 1993. Thanks Susan and Mrs. Fribis for all your help!

11/22/08 - The following comes from an email received this evening from Jack Burkhardt.  Thanks Jack!

Navy Petty Officer Mike Monsoor

PO2 (EOD2)(Explosive Ordnance Disposal) Mike Monsoor, a Navy EOD
Technician, was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor posthumously
for jumping on a grenade in Iraq , giving his life to save his fellow

During Mike Monsoor's funeral in San Diego , as his coffin was being
moved from the hearse to the grave site at Ft. Rosecrans National
Cemetery, SEAL's were lined up on both sides of the pallbearers route
forming a column of two's, with the coffin moving up the center. As
Mike's coffin passed, each SEAL, having removed his gold Trident from
his uniform, slapped it down embedding the Trident in the wooden

The slaps were audible from across the cemetery; by the time the
coffin arrived grave side, it looked as though it had a gold inlay
from all the Tridents pinned to it. This was a fitting send-off for a
warrior hero.

This should be front-page news instead of the crap we see every day.

Since the media won't make this news, I choose to make it news by
forwarding it onto you guys. I am damn proud of our military. If you
are proud too, please pass this on. If not then rest assured that
these fine men and women of our military will continue to serve and

10/30/08 - Discovered and corrected a major flaw in the "General" section of the 1955 - 1958 Closeups.

10/29/08 - Updated Gallery of Reunion Attendees to include 2008 first-time attendees.   Any missed, please let me know at

10/21/08 - Marlene and Bob mailed in a disk of their reunion photos.  So now you have an option, you can view the photos on Shutterfly and enjoy some other very interesting photos while at it, or you can view them here on the website.  Enjoy!   Thanks Marlene & Bob!

10/21/08 - Marlene and Bob Hunter have posted there reuinion photos to the internet on Shutterfly. And they also have so great shots there from their Baltic Sea Cruise.  Stop in for a visit! Thanks Marlene and Bob!

10/18/08 - Corrected the 1945 Decklog display to include records from August 1 through October 31. The previous log display mistakingly included 1944 data for those three months. Sept. 28 was the Spangler's return home from it's two-year deployment in the Pacific during World War II, thus beginning a stready flow of personnel heading home on leave, transferring or ending their tour of duty, and new replacements reporting aboard, persisting through most of October. Thanks Ken Nolan for making the records available!

10/17/08 - Uploaded a facinating seatale from Bob Beach recalling his visit to one of the South Pacific Islands during the '58 Cruise.  Thanks Bob!

10/7/08 - Uploaded Larry Majeski's Photo Album to the photo gallery.  Thanks Larry for making the ablum available!

10/6/08 - Uploaded the 2008 Branson Reunion Writeup.

10/5/08 - Uploaded Del & Phil Eng's Photos from the 2008 Reunion in Branson, MO.  Thanks Del & Phil!

10/4/08 - Uploaded Photos from the 2008 Reunion in Branson, MO.

10/4/08 - Uploaded Wes Hancock's Photos from the 2008 Reunion in Branson, MO.  Thanks Wes!

10/4/08 - Uploaded Charles Sims' Photos from 2008 Reunion in Branson, MO.  Thanks James!

10/3/08 - Uploaded Tom Clugston's Photo Album to the photo gallery.  Thanks Tom for making the ablum available!

10/3/08 - Uploaded Roger Adkins Photo Album to the photo gallery.  Thanks Roger for making the ablum available!

09/12/08 - Uploaded a Remembrance page in memory of Jimmie VanHorn, thanks to a very large extent to photos and information submitted by his son, Jimmie D. VanHorn, Jr.  Thanks Jimmie.

09/09/08 - Uploaded a Jimmie VanHorn photo album to the Photo Gallery section, thanks to photos submitted by his son, Jimmie D. VanHorn, Jr.  Thanks Jimmie.

07/06/08--If for any reason you are continuing to see references on the Spangler website to the "Alternate ChatLocker" or any photos or videos associated with that section, other than here, you may need to clear your web browsers cache memory.  The Alternate ChartLlocker section was deleted from the website on 06/27/08.  I'm confident by now that all other pages within the Spangler site have been editied to assure that any references to that section are removed.

If you are unfamiliar with how to clear cache then you might want to vist the website below for instructions.


06/27/08-- Guy Thompson alerted me this afternoon that a "Porn" spammer had attached some discusting videos to the "Alternate ChatLocker" section of the website.  So that area of the website is now closed down and no longer exist.  I apologize to any of you that might have stumbled across the site before I had a chance to get it remove.  If you come across something similar on the Spangler website in the future, please let me know.  Thanks Guy!

06/26/08 - Received an email this morning from Artyom Bogdanov, Crew, suggesting to exchange links between their Russian Navy and the Spangler websites.  Facinating! I've added their sites to our links page under a new heading of Non-US Navy Websites.  Similar websites from other nations will be added as opportunities permit.

06/21/08-- We lost a good friend and SpanglerMate this past week!  Donald F. McGill, 77, of Louisville, KY, "passed away Wednesday, June 18, 2008 at the VA Hospital of Louisville.  He was a Navy veteran of the Korean Conflict, a self employed engineer, past president of the American Society of Safety Engineers, City Sales Club, Louisville Magic Club and many other organizations.  He was preceded in death by his wife Phyllis, and son Chris. He is survived by his loving daughters Erin McGill and Cindy Pittman; also a grandson, Jason Pittman. A celebration of Don's life will be held noon Monday (June 23rd) in the Chapel of Arch L. Heady at Resthaven. Entombment will follow in Resthaven Memorial Park. Visitation will be 2 - 8 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home." - Ref: Obituary,, 6/21/08

Don McGill, IC1

Many of you will recall Don as a shipmate and close friend during his years of service aboard the Spangler from 1952 to 1955, departing as an IC1. Many of the others of us have grown to know him as a dear friend and active contributor to our Spangler Reunions.   He attended all of the reunions other than St. Louis in '04 and Laughlin in '05, but took took the effort to make certain we all had access to the wonderful blue and grey Spangler teeshirts he contributed to aid the reunions in achieving financial success.  We were proud to see him in San Diego despite the series of misfortunes he had suffered through the previous winter and fall.  Our heart-felt sympathy is extended to Erin and all the members of her family!

05/02/08- Tribute to Michael Murphy: An American Hero -- A Navy Seal. This is a link to an narrative forwarded to Dave Norris from Jeff Spangler.  Thanks Dave and Jeff! 

03/20/08- At Bill Rosen's suggestion the animated photo of the Spangler was corrected to show the flag at full-staff on the mast and not as an ensign on the fantail.  The original photo (compliments of Bill Hager) actually displayed the colors at full-staff, but somehow this was changed accidently during photo minipulations.   The fantail error was raised by Guy Thompson about a year or so ago, but failed to be corrected.  Sorry about that Guy!  And thanks Bill for refreshing my memory in this respect!

03/20/08- Added an animated photo of the Spangler cruising at sea.   It's an example of the kinds of fun stuff us website do'ers do when bored from nothing new to add.   Unfortunately, for those of you using slow speed modems, the photo may be extremely slow to display.  And I apologize for that!

03/07/08 - Added a sizeable stack of closeup photos to the General section of the 1946-1949 Closeups Album.  If you recognize anyone not already named please let me know at  Thanks Jim Raymond for making most of these possible!

02/17/08 - Worked with David (Andy) Andersen this afternoon in updating some of the photos in the 1957 Cruise Book section to include names of individuals. If any of you recognize someone in the photos not identified yet, please drop me an email at Thanks Andy!

02/16/08 - Added drawings to the 1st Platform Deck displaying the "general" arrangement of machinery in the engine and fire rooms.   A big thanks here is extended to Bob Jack and Bill Rosen for their help in providing information to make this possible.   The drawing only applies to the upper level of the engine and fire rooms, that for the lower level will come later.  Thanks Bob and Bill!

02/10/07 - Upload a new seatale from Phil Eng.    You EM's, in particular, shoud find this one funny! "Thanks McPhil!

02/05/08 - Added another photo button to the C.I.C & Navigation Bridge Deck Drawing.  It's from Richard H. Bale's collection of photographs and provides an excellent, interior view of a pilot house.   It was taken aboard the USS Currier DE-700 immediately following construction in 1943.  And as a sister ship commissioned only a few months earlier at the same shipyard, the Spangler, in all likelihood, would have looked exactly the same.  Richard, as you might recall from our reunion in San Diego, served aboard the Currier as an RM in 1954 & 1955.  He has a book coming out soon on the history of the USS Currier's travels, titled:  "The Saga of the USS Currier; one of America's Smallest Man-O'-Warships During WW11, The Cold War and The Korean War."  Thanks Richard!

02/03/08 - Received an email from Charles Kuntz (SO3, 1955 - 1957) today passing on some useful information on how to go about obtaining copies of our military Service Records. The URL link is:  Thanks Chuck!

01/28/08 - Modified the Superstructure drawing to include optional "small" selection images matching the different year intervals (i.e., 1943-1946, 1946-1950, etc.).  This was done in case the larger drawings fail to cycle through the displays as desired and to accomadate Mac or internet browser users that have some difficulty in handling java coding.

01/21/08 - Modified the Open Bridge & Sonar Hut drawing to include a general layout of equipment in the sonar hut, thanks to information from Bob Ellis.  Thanks Bob!

01/21/08 - Added additional photo "hotspots" to the Superstructure Deck Drawings.  You may find that the drawing cycles to a different time interval (i.e., 1943-1946, 1946-1950, etc.) before you've had an opportunity to click on a hotspot.  If so, just wait a few seconds until the drawing recycles back again, then make a selection.

01/20/08 - Modified the drawings once again, this time to display progressive changes in armament from 1943-1946, 1946-1950, 1950-1955 and 1955-1958, where applicable.  This includes the 20 mm gun batteries at the front of the Navigation Bridge and a three-tube torpedo mount on the Aft-Superstructure Deck during the 1943-1946 years.  For those of you lacking high speed internet connections, the interval between the displays may take longer than desired because of image sizes.  If that's a big problem, drop me an email at  The displays should change about every four seconds.

01/01/08 - Enhanced the drawings of the Superstructure Deck to display both 1951 and 1955 views.  This was felt necessary given the removal of 20mm gun mounts when the Spangler underwent major overhaul in Pearl Harbor in early 1955.

01/11/08 - Uploaded Joe Mitchell's Photo Album.  Love that haircut, Joe!  Thanks for sharing!!

01/02/08 - Added a "Deck Tour" topic to the Chat Locker.  Love to have you join in on the discussions.  Bill Rosen has started it off with several of his recollections that don't exactly match up well what's shown on the deck layouts. So have a little fun, what's you thoughts?

01/01/08 - A set of deck drawings for the Spangler is uploaded to the website to start the new year off right.  Please use the "Please Read" button on your first visit to the site.  This will give a general overview and explain how to tour the site including the use of the Index, Zoom and Photo Buttons.  And please don't hesitate to send some feedback, suggestions, and corrections in this direction (  Lots is left yet to be done! A special thanks goes to Bob Jack, Bill Rosen and Phil Eng for their contributions!

12/12/07 - Made it possible for SeaTale Visitors to view the seatales by different time frames (i.e., All Years, 1943-1949, 1950-1854, and 1955-1958). This enables the visitor to scroll through the seatales with greater ease while also enabling faster uploads and displays.

12/09/07 - At long last, finally got to put a name to the face of the Ship's Cook in the General Photo Gallery. Welcome aboard Joseph C. Prizzi Sr. - S-Div (7/1955 - 2/1956)!

11/01/07 - Revised and updated the Gallery of Reunion Attendees 2003 -2007.  Thanks to photos from Stan Biess, Merlin Car, Manny Scudder & Millie and Bob Ellis!

10/30/07 - Uploaded Merlin Carr's 2007 San Diego Reunion Photos.  Be sure to scroll down on each photo to read the caption.  Thanks Merlin!

10/23/07 - Uploaded a writeup on the San Diego Reunion!

10/18/07 - Uploaded a certificate Stanley Tomalewicz received after crossing the equator in January 1944.  Thanks to his nephew, Jack Tomalewicz.  Thanks Jack!

10/16/07 - Uploaded photos from the 2006 Reunion, contributed by Manny and Anne Scudder.  Thanks Manny & Anne!

10/15/07 - Bob and Millie Ellis announced this afternoon that their photos from the '07 Spangler Reunion are uploaded on the internet to Shutterfly.   Just click here on the date to begin the slideshow.  For best viewing, though, be sure to select the "View Fullscreen" option.  Thanks Bob & Millie!

10/15/07 - Uploaded Jim Raymond's Photo Album.  This is a wonderful set of photographs with well over 150 pictures in all from the 1945-1949 years.  Thanks Jim!

10/11/07 - Uploaded Dave Norris' 25 July 1952 Photopack.  Thanks Dave

10/11/07 - Uploaded Asa Casteel's Photo Album (1952 - 1954).  Thanks Asa!

09/19/07 - Added a San Diego Photos Page, reflecting scenes in and aound the city pre-1958.  If you have any photos you to include, "please" pass my way at

09/12/07 - Began posting general category closeup photos for years 1955 - 1958

09/11/07 - Uploaded deck logs for 1945, thanks to Ken Nolan!

09/09/07 - Posted Merlin Carr's writeup on the "Little Boys," the Destroyer Escorts of CortDiv39 and their role in the sinking of six Japanese submarines during the "Merry Month of May" 1944. Great story! Thanks Merlin!

09/09/07 - Posted a listing of SpanglerMates signed up for the upcoming reunion in San Diego. Thanks Dave!

09/08/07   Richard Hit (RM3 1951-1955) passed away this morning, sad to report.  His presence and enduring smile will be sorely missed at the upcoming reuion in San Diego.  He attended all of the reunions beginning with the first in Indianappolis in 2001, including the more recent one in Myrtle Beach this past year, despite failing health.  His family says the funeral will be this Saturday at 3:30 at Burks-Walker-Tippet, 215 E Front St in Tyler, TX.  His obituary is available at  You'll love the photo! ... That's a Spanglermate!

08/31/07 - Uploaded deck logs for 1944, thanks to Ken Nolan!

08/18/07 - Yikes! What's this Spangler site coming to! Just finished uploading a seatale from Phil Eng...first one since May and first news entry in two months.   Thanks McPhil, I needed that!

06/19/07 - Uploaded deck logs for 1943, thanks to Ken Nolan!

06/19/07 - Added in a couple of humorous comments to the 1957 Cruise - Pacific Islands Surveillance, thanks to Guy Thompson!

06/17/07 - Uploaded a much revised version of the 1957 Cruise - Pacific Islands Surveillance, using information from the ship's deck logs including seatale quotes from Andy Hanson, Phil Eng, Ron Knight and Andy Anderson.

06/17/07 -Revised the Spangler's homepage so that when a user's cursor is moved over "Photo Gallery" it displays a popout menu with options for viewing different sections within the gallery.

06/07/07 - Added a new photo from Andy Anderson.  Thanks Andy Bear!

06/06/07 - Uploaded answer sheets from a CruDesPac Officer's Information Training Course Bill Rosen took shortly after reporting aboard the Spangler as an Ensign in 1957!  Thanks Bill! And thanks also, Cisco, for you help in identifying the different lessons.

05/24/07 - Uploaded a humorous seatale from Guy Thompson. Thanks Guy!

05/21/07 - Uploaded deck logs for 1955 (full year).

05/18/07 - Uploaded deck logs for 1956 less part of June.

05/16/07 - Uploaded deck logs for 1954 less month of June.

05/14/07 - Added additional deck logs for 1957, completing a full year.

05/02/07 - The Photo Gallery is being completely revamped!  If you run into difficulty in using it, don't hesitate to give me a shout at

05/02/07 - Uploaded a great set of photos from Curt Johnson (1949-1952).  Thanks Curt!

04/04/07 - The narrative, "I Was A Sailor Once" has been replaced with, "Once I Was A Navyman," authored by E. A. Hughes, FTCM (SS), US Navy (Retired).   This work by Mr Hughes was published in 1958 and is considered to be the original, correct version.

03/31/07 - Uploaded photos of October 1946 Muster Roll.

03/31/07- Added list of officers to 1956 Crew List.

03/30/07- Uploaded a photo of Phil Eng's coffee mug he purchased in Japan in 1955. Thanks Flip!

03/30/07- Uploaded a Remembrance on Paul Wainscott thanks to information submitted by his son, John.

03/29/07- Added a humerous seatale from Bill Rosen, ENS (1957-1958).  Thanks Bill!

03/27/07- Completed uploading all remaining decklogs on hand. These include List of Officers for 1947, 1949, 1951, 1952 and 1953, plus partial logs for 1949, 1951, and 1952.

03/25/07- Uploaded decklogs for 1955 (January thru March).  This is the period when the Spangler underwent a complete overhaul in Pearl Harbor.

03/25/07- Uploaded decklogs for 1956 (January thru August).

03/25/07-Revised the deck log Index Page to list logs by years in lieu of by events or cruises.  I apologize for the change but believe it will work out best in the long run as additional logs are acquired.

03/23/07- Uploaded decklogs for 1958.

003/15/07- Uploaded decklogs for the 1957 WESPAC Cruise (Jan. 1957 thru Jul, 1957).

03/19/07--Possibly you haven't read Don McGee's email on his bad luck recently.  It's horrendous and well worth passing on.  Surly if anyone deserves a Bad Luck Award it has to be Don!   Let's hope his stormy cloud goes away soon and stays away!  Sorry Bob, you deserved an award too when you fell off the steps earlier this year, but I didn't think of it then!




003/15/07- Uploaded decklogs for the WESPAC Cruise Oct. 1955 thru Mar. 1956.

003/15/07- Added names of officers to the muster (crew) list for '51 & '52.

003/14/07- Added names of officers to the muster (crew) list for '53, '54, and '55.  Other years will be updated in near future.

003/09/07- Andy Hanson is back with a couple of more funny seatales!  Thanks Andy!

02/23/07- Posted some 1958 Cruise seatales from Andy Hanson (RM3 1956-1958).  I would have added humourous, but him coming down with pneumonia on the way to Kwajalein would have been anything else. But the other two stories are, so enjoy!  Thanks Andy!

02/20/07- For those of you that may not have heard already, Paul Wainscott passed away yesterday at 3:30 pm from an accidental fall!  I know I can speak for all of us in saying how sad we are learn of his passing!  His infectious smile will be sorely missed!   I met him for the first time at the 2005 Laughlin Reunion, and he was one of the very first to offer photos for publishing on the website.   His son, John, said that according to his Dad's wishes no services will be held.  They will have a small "wake/memorial" at home.  In clicking this morning on the photo of Paul and Shirley in the Gallery of Spanglermates & Guest I discovered an error between the link of names to photos, so I'll correct that before the morning is over.

02/9/07- Uploaded a funny seatale from Ron Knight! Thanks Ron!

02/9/07- Uploaded Jack Going's Photo Album, with additional photos from 1946 & 1948.  Thanks Jack!

02/9/07- Uploaded James Raymond's Photo Album, with some excellent memory items from 1946 & 1948.  Thanks James!

02/9/07-Uploaded a copy of the 1947 Christmas Dinner Brochure. The folks back then did a nice job! Thanks Jack Going for making this available!

02/9/07-Uploaded a remembrance page on Phil J. Stoneburner (FT2 1956-1958) thanks to information from his brother, Verl Stoneburner.

02/8/07-Added a second seatale from Verl definitely worth taking a moment to read! Thanks Verl!

02/8/07-Added another humerous seatale, this time from Verl Stoneburner about his first evening meal on the Spangler.  Thanks Verl!

02/8/07- Added a humerous seatale from John Early (RM3 1957-1958). Thanks John!

02/7/07-Corrected the R-Division closeup photo page for 1957, to display an improved photo of P.J. Stoneburner.  P.J. remained in the Navy and became Chief in 1967.  He passed away a few years back.  Thanks for the photo Verl!

02/7/07- Added a photo of Verl Stoneburner FA 1957-1958 to the Photo Gallery.   Thanks Verl!

02/3/07- A deck Log section has been added to the website, and hopefully we will see quite a few logs posted in the not too distant future.  This will be a big project and needing lots of help!  Stan Biess recently visited the Navy Archives at College Park, MD where the records are stored and mailed me ten pages selected from 1954 and 1958.  This is a good start!  They are now available for display.  Thanks Stan!

01/28/07- Uploaded a Sept. 30, 1957 Muster List.  Thanks Dave!

01/26/07- Uploaded a 1954 Crew List.  Sorry about the long delay!

01/20/07- Finally got around to putting Wes Hancock's snaphots into an Album.  Sorry about the long delay, Wes!

01/15/07- Added an insteresting seatale from Guy Thompson.  Thanks Cisco!

01/13/07 - Good Golly!  The drought has ended...we got a couple of new seatales, thanks to Phil Eng!  There are two them so be sure and scroll down slightly to read the second one.

01/13/07 - Revised the USS Spangler World War II Pacific Area of Operation Maps (two sizes) to be viewed clearer on different pc's.   Islands and other locations on the maps are now clickable, enabling pop-up windows to be displayed with added information about each specific location.  This is still a work in progress.  Information remains to be added yet for about 50% of the map locations.  If you care to adopt an island and help in this little project, your help would be appreciated immensely!!!

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