Help In Using The USS Spangler Search Entry |
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To search for an exact phrase, use quotes around the pharse:
Example: "anticraft weapons"
To match a near (within a couple of words) phrase, use square brackets [around the words]
Example: [anticraft weapon]
To match a far (within several words) phrase, use braces { around the words }
Example: {anticraft weapon}
You can also use + and - qualifiers
Placing a + before a word (exp. +navy) will make certain the word is on a page.
Using a - (-navy) will make certain no pages will be displayed that includes the word "navy."
Using the (*) wildcard: If a query word ends with a * all words on a page which start the same way as that query word will match.
Example: hero*
Using the (?) wildcard: If a query word contains a ? any character will match that position.
Example: p?hoto
In addition to the above you can also applying a boolean search: You do this by placing boolean operators in your search: AND, OR, NOT. Be sure to use capital letters.
Example: (ship AND guns) OR (ship AND weapons)