USS Spangler DE-696 - 2008 Reunion Photos
- Marlene & Bob Hunter's Slides -
Branson, MO

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3212TowneHouse 3213SellThoseMugs! 3214OldBuddies 3215James&Nelda+InLaws
Towne House Sell Those Mugs! Old Buddies James, Nelda, Lila & Charles
Sims' 3217ViewFromTownHouseDeck 3218ViewFromDeck 3219Stan&Jackie
James Sims' cousin on right View From Town House Deck View From Deck Stan and Jackie Biess
3220LindaRice&GeorgiaTowne 3221KennyTowne&GeorgeRice 3222Sally&GeneBaum 3223Dorothy&GeneWorkman
Linda Rice and GeorgiaTowne KennyTowne and GeorgeRice Sally and Gene Baum Dorothy and Gene Workman
3224Dorothy&GeneWorkman 3225PhilEng& 3226Joe&JoanMitchell 3227GregSchurer
Dorothy and Gene Workman Phil and Del Eng Joe and Joan Mitchell Greg Schurer
3228Bill&Barnhill 3229Charles&LilaSims 3230Nelda&JamesSims 3231Tom&PhyllisClugman
Bill Barnhill Charles and Lila Sims Nelda and James Sims 3231Tom&PhyllisClugman